Pierre Fouché.The distance between us III. 2004-6. 13 count canvas, 9 stranded embroidery cotton, pine, glass, steel, cable wire. 105 x 107 x 8cm. Private Collection.
Pierre Fouché. The distance between us II (2004). 6000 commercial resin dice, paper label stickers, cardboard, black pen, clear packaging tape, glass, pine, steel & cable wire. 84 x 109.5 x 8cm. Corporate Collection.
Pierre Fouché. The distance between us (2003). Acrylic on found cardboard puzzle, glass, pine, steel, cable wire. 135 x 185 x 6cm. Corporate Collection.
Pierre Fouché. Hello, Soldier! (2004). 18-count tapestry canvas, 6-stranded cotton thread, pine, glass 45 x 29 x 6cm. Private Collection
Pierre Fouché. 970 stitches missing. 2006. Warm gray no.5 marker, 6-stranded embroiderycotton, nylon thread, pine, galvanised steel bolts. 30 x 37 x 5cm. Private collection